Homeopathy Treatment For Constipation
A condition of the bowels in which the faces is dry and hardened and evacuation is difficult and infrequent.
Causative factors for Constipation:
- Inadequate water intake and dietary fiber in the diet
- Inadequate activity or exercise or immobility
- Eating large amounts of dairy products
- Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, which is sometimes the result of painfrom hemorrhoids
- Overuse of laxatives (stool softeners) which, over time, weaken the bowel muscles
- Hypothyroidism
- Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis
- Antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminum
- Medicines (especially strong pain medicines, such as narcotics, antidepressants, or iron pills)
- Depression
- Eating disorders
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Pregnancy
- Colon cancer
- Anal fissure
- Bowel obstruction
- Colon cancer
- Narrowing of the colon (bowel stricture)
- Rectocele
- Infrequent bowel movements or difficulty having bowel movements
- Swollen abdomen or abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Hard, compacted stools that are difficult or painful to pass
- Straining during bowel movements
- No bowel movements in three days
- Stomach aches that are relieved by bowel movements
- Bloody stools due to haemorrhoids and anal fissures
- Leaks of wet, almost diarrhoea-like stool between regular bowel movements.
How to diagnose constipation?
Most people do not need extensive testing to diagnose constipation. Only a small number of patients with constipation have a more serious medical problem. If you have constipation for more than two weeks, you should see a doctor so he or she can determine the source of your problem and treat it. If constipation is caused by colon cancer, early detection and treatment is very important.
Tests may perform to diagnose the cause of the constipation include:
- Blood tests if a hormonal imbalance is suspected
- Barium studies to look for obstruction of the colon
- Colonoscopy to look for obstruction of the colon-Colonoscopy is used to evaluate symptoms suchabdominal pain, bloody bowel movements, and altered bowel habits such as constipation or diarrhea, andweight loss. This test is similar to sigmoidoscopy, but the doctor looks at the entire colon
- Constipation is a very common condition. Your GP will not usually need to carry out any tests orprocedures, but will confirm a diagnosis of constipation based on your medical history and yoursymptoms.
How Homeopathy helps to cure constipation?
Homeopathic remedies can also help the body work efficiently. Longstanding case of constipation, or those with great discomfort, may be best addressed with a constitutional remedy and the guidance of a homeopathic practitioner. Homeopathy is a holistic, nontoxic system of medicine that is individualized to your symptoms. Numerous homeopathic remedies exist for constipation. Homeopathic medicines are safe and effective. They are an excellent choice especially in childhood, pregnancy and elderly patients because they have no side effects. The prescription depends upon symptoms and the underlying cause of the constipation. The goal of therapy is one bowel movement every two or three days without straining. Homeopathy offers promising cure for constipation. Chronic constipation results from various constitutional problems such as stress, genetic predisposing, altered sleep pattern, etc.
Homeopathy offers treatment which is based on the patient’s individual case pattern. Homeopathy is strongly recommended for all cases of constipation. Homeopathic treatment for constipation is based on the treatment of internal causes leading to development of constipation. Most cases of constipation may not need medicine but some lifestyle and food changes. The homeopathic medicines for constipation have a distinction over the purgatives by it not being habit-forming. Most of the purgatives are habit forming, doing more harm at the end, on stopping it. Homeopathic medicines are not habit forming, as they are actually not purgatives.
Commonly indicated Homeopathic remedies:
Alumina: Constipation of infants and old people from inactive rectum.Stool hard, dry, knotty, no desire for stool. Rectum sore, dry, inflamed bleeding. Even a soft stool is passed with difficulty, great straining. Evacuation precedes by painful urging long before stool and straining of stool.
Silicea: Painful with spasm of sphincter. Constipation and stool comes down with difficult when partly expelled,recedes again.Feces remain a long time in rectum.Constipation always before and during menses.Great straining, rectum straining and closes upon stool.Fissures and haemorrhoids.Fistula-in-ano
Graphitis: Costipation.Stools large, difficult, knotty united by mucous thread. Burning haemorrhoids.Smarting pain, sore and itiching anal region. Lumpy stools.Varies of rectum.Fissure of anus.
Other indicated remedies: Mag.mur, Plu.met, Bryonia,Opium , Sulphur , Amm.mur, Nux.vom etc.
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