Homeopathy Treatment For Headache
Headache is the pain any where in the region of head and neck. headache is a symptom caused by several condition arised from head and neck.
Brain tissue in non sensitive to pain as it does not have pain receptors.pain is caused by pain sensitive areas around head and neck like muscles, nerves,arteries,veins,subcutaneous tissue,eyes,ears,sinuses etc.
Depending on the cause and origin headche is classified into 2 types. 1 primary headache,2 secondary headache.
These are the most commom headaches.migraine ,tension headaches,cluster headaches,hemicrania continua are included in this category.tension headaches are most common arises due strain in muscles of head and neck.
Pulsating pain in head, pain in eyebrows ,band like tightness in upper part of the neck ,nausea ,sometimes vomitings are associated in this primary headaches.this pain lasts for 3 hr to 3 days.
According to old theories this headaches are intracranial vaso constriction is responsible for aura of migraine.new theory tells that neuronal hyperexcitability of cerebaral cortex especially occipital cortex causes the migraines.
People who have family history of migraines will suffer from migraines frequently.
Headches may be caused by problems elsewhere in head and neck.some of them are not harmfull.
- Thunder clap headche is caused by subarachnoid haemorrage.it is cuased by stroke in which blood accumlates around the brain.
- Headche with fever neck stiffness is caused by meningitis.
- Headache that worsed by strain and change of position is due to increased intracranial pressure arises due to brain tumour or idiopathic intrtacranial hypertension, or cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
- Headche with visual distrubances is caused by giant cell arteritis in which blood vessel wall is inflamed and obstructs the blood flow.
- Headache ,dizziness,vomiting sensation with muscular weakness is because of angle closure glaucoma.
- headache nuasea vomiting is sometimes caused by corbo monoxide poisoning.
- Weather changes temaprature changes.like extreme sunlight and rain .extreme cold exposure
- Strong odours such as perfumes,paint smells
- Tight hair accessories like bands,clips ,hat
- Sternous exercises including sex
- Poor posture in daily activities
- Red wine and alcoholic drinks causes headche.
- Skipping meals or Overeating.
- Smoking and taking coffee
- Mental stress,grief,excessive thinking depression
- Due to drugs like contraceptive pills.
- Lack of proper sleep.
- Electro encepgalogram (EEG)
- CT BRAIN WITH CONTRAST to identify any aneurysms
- NAT MUR: usefull in chronic headche .headache from sun rise to sun set , throbbing pain ,thosand hammers knocking in the brain.semilateral headache,anaemic headache , school girls headache,nervous headache.headache after menses , from eye strain.releived from sleep
- GELSIMIUM: heaviness of head, band feelng sensation in occiput region.dull heavy ache with heaviness of eyelids,bruised feeling.better by compression lying head on high.pain extending from temple to ear.soreness of neck and shoulders.heaache preceeded by blindness,better by urination.scalp sore to touch.
- IRIS VERSICOLAR:frontal headache , sick headache with nausea .scalp feels constricted .begins with blur in eys after retiring from mental strain.worse from rest
- GLONINE:headache from sunstroke heat on the head.confusion and dizziness,sensation of head is enlarged,skull is too small for brain.headache in place of menses.increases and decreases with sun.
- SEPIA :vertigo with senastion of something rolling in head.stringing pain within outward.associated with nausea.worse in doors and lying on painfull side.headache in terrible shocks during menses.
- BELLADONA:throbing palpitating headche .pain especially in forehead.pain worse by light, noise,jar lying down,afternoon.better by pressure , semi errect position.headache from hair cut
- LAC DEFLORATUM:headace beging in frontal region extended to occiput.intense throbbing pain with nausea blindness with constipation.>by bandaging
- SANGUINARIA:headche begins in occiput regon settles in eyes ,rt sided .periodical sick headache .veins in temples are dilated.pain better by sleep and rest,lying in dark.burning eyes ,pain in back of the head.
Migarine is chronic neurological disorder.moderate to severe pain with autonomic nervous symptoms.usually one sided headache,pulsating one lasts for 2 hr to 72 hr.associated with nausea vomiting and photophobia.most of the people who suffer from migraine have aura before attack,like visual sensory distrubances or motor distrubances.usually aggravated by physical activity.
Underlying cause for migraine is unknown.but it is relatedto be mixture of genetic and environmental factors.psychological conditions depression,anxiety,bipolar disorder are the triggers for migraine.
- Stress
- Hunger
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Pregnancy
- Perimenopause
- Depression
- Oral contraceptive pills
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: migraines are usually self limited.rercurrent severe headache with autonomic nervous symptoms.
Migraine which lasts for 72 hrs called as STATUS MIGRANOSUS.
There are 4 possible phases to migraine are there.allthough not all phases are to be experienced.
- PRODRUME PHASE: This phase occurs in 6- percent of migraines.this lasts for 2 hr to 2 days.alternation of mood , irritability depression,euphoria,fatigue, stiffness in neck,sensitivity to smells ,light are seen
- AURA PHASE: This phase lats for few minutes.vision, sensory ,motor distrubances are seen.blurred vision,zig zag lines in vision are seen.feeling or sensation needles are pricking in head and nose region are seen.in motor disturbances alteration in speech,weakness in limbs are seen
- PAIN PHASE: This phase lasts for 2 hrs to 3 days.pain is associated with nausea , vomiting,vision distrubances.sensitive to smell, light ,sounds.unilateral or bilateral headache.pain is mild to moderate.
- POSTDROME PHASE:The effects of migraine lasts for few days after the main headche is ended known as postdrome phase.head feels sore.weakness.not feeling refreshness.
- Check for cbp haemoglobin
- CT brain plain or contrast
- MRI brian
- Avoid stress ,anxiety,over thinking
- Doing meditation.pranayamam,breathing exercises
- Taking nutritional diet rich in b12,magnesium
- Head massage
- Headpain from strong odours : belladona,lyco,coffea,ignatia,phos
- Periodical headche:nat mur,apis , sangunaria , china, sepia ,silicea.
- Headache in pregnency: bell, gels,nux vomica , verat alb,sepia
- Headache from reading: nat mur,sepia , calc,tuberculinum
- Migraine with constipation , nausea: lac defloratum
- Headache from riding carriage: ignatia, sepia , cocculus,kalicarb
- Headache in school girls: calc phos ,acid phos , nat mur , lac caninum,puls
- Headache from noises: bell, theridion , itric acid,ignatia,lac caninum
Star Homeopathy provides the best homeopathy treatment for migraine
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