Alopecia means nothing more than loss of hair and is a sign rather than diagnosis.
There are many causes and patterns.
LOCALISED (non scaring) :tinea capitis,alopecia areata,androgenetic alopecia,Traumatic and syphilis.
DIFFUSED (non scaring) :Hypothyroidism,hyperthyroidism,hypopituitarism,diabetes,Hiv,nutritional deficiency,liver diseases and post partum etc
LOCALISED(scaring) :idiopathic,discoid lupus erythematous,herpes zoster,tinea capitis.
DIFFUSED(scaring):radiotherapy,folliculitis decalvans,lichen planus pilaris.
ALOPECIA AREATA:Sudden loss of hair in patchy fashion may be due to anxiety or sudden shockIt may show a marked tendency of recurrence.
RINGWORM:It causes bald patches having scanty ,small,thin hairs.fungal spores are found in affected hair
USE OF CURLERS:It may be responsible for baldness in corresponding areas .later on there may be scaring and permanent loss of hair.
FLUORIC ACID:Hairfall after sickness ,hair breakageand hair gets tangled a lot.
PHOSPHROUS:Alopecia with gastrointestinal disorders
CALCAREA CARB:Hairfall with itching and sweating of scalp,helps in regrowth of hair.
VINCA MINOR:Hairfall with dandruff,used to treat abnormal hair growth.
SILICEA:Baldness accompanied with pain
BARYTA CARB:Premature baldness in timid people with tonsillitis.